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The Perfect Storm

 All I have done is sew my fingers raw for the past few days. That big bus is proving to be an enormous challenge that is eating up all my time and all the space I have in the house.

 I've also been testing soap. All that holiday soap will be 6 weeks old this coming week and I want to give some of it away to the family on Thanksgiving.

 We've got piles of bits and pieces all over the bathroom because I can't wrap any of it until I know if it works.

 The problem is that the computer the printer works from died this week so I can't make labels even if I could find the time to sit down and do it. Sigh.

This place is such a mess that I'm not even going to think about what I also need to be doing to get ready for the holiday. Thank goodness I am not hosting this year. If I was, I'd be looking for a space to rent for the day.

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