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My Christmas Present

I just happened to read where there was this big beautiful red transferware mason tureen for sale and thought maybe I should go check it out. I waited a few days because I had forgot about it. Anyway I went out to the flea market and there she set.Just waiting on me I was thrilled !!! and still am LOL

I have several pieces of the Mason Vista dishes and always on the lookout for a good price on them.

Isn't she just beautiful ? I am thrilled to have her

I was in such a hurry to take her picture I didn't set her on the platter she sets on which I already had.
I am using a large soup ladle in my Mom's pattern named Coronation

I thought the occasion called for the candleabra to be lit up to celebrate the arrival

OK one more picture and i'll tell you how I found this gorgeous beauty.
Do you ever read Bernideen's Tea Time and Cottage blog?
Look at this post where she is showing off her red transferware and her tureen
I am thrilled to own it ! did I already say that ? LOL

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