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Jungle Cruise, 1960

"It's a Small World" was "The Happiest Cruise That Ever Sailed 'Round The World", and you had the Motor Boat Cruise, but the Jungle Cruise was the grandaddy of all cruises. For years it was pretty much all there was to do in Adventureland, unless you count the shooting gallery.

Today's photos must be from autumn or winter (yes, SoCal has seasons, they are just very subtle). Some men are wearing long sleeves, ladies are wearing sweaters (women are always cold!), and that tree in the background is bare. The custodial staff must be on a break, just look at that litter (a vintage popcorn box). Walt wouldn't be pleased!

Those natives are dancing, but they sure don't look happy... maybe it is an emo thing. Much of the Jungle Cruise still reflects a kind of a 1940's Hollywood outlook towards native people. It's all in fun of course, and adds to the period feel of the whole endeavor.

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