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First Sweater Fitting

red lettuce from the garden

I've been focusing on eating well and am still working on my Stockholm Sweater. The lettuce in the garden is starting to bolt. Spring is definitely here. I have been making lots of bone broths and incorporating them into my daily diet. I've also been doing the Bikram Yoga series regularly. I like the way it tones the muscles. It makes me feel stronger physically, which translates into more strength, mentally and emotionally.

fitness and knitting at 54

I finally worked out the short row shaping on this sweater. I had to redo each side twice. It turns out I didn't need to work with four balls of yarn, either.  Had I known, I would have cut the yarn after putting the stitches on the holding needle. It would have been so much easier!  No more tangles. I made a note on the pattern.

Now I have joined the back and front and am just knitting like mad and decreasing every fifteenth row. The sleeves have the same short row shaping, but I think I understand it pretty well now. It just took some time and practice.

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