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First Part of My Junkin Week End.

Good Sunday to Everyone.

I have the first part of my week end away trip done and we are on our way to my favorite flea market in Elkorn Wisconsin.

We spent Friday and Saturday down in Tipton Indiana.  Such a sweet little old fashion town.  It is like Mayberry.  This is where the Vintage Market was out side of Horton's Hardware Store in Tipton.  Girls this is the best Hardware store ever!!!!! It has a "man" side with tools, paint, nails and the other side,  Oh My,  it is partioned off with old vintage doors and windows made into small rooms where vendors sell their chippy, shabby wonderful treasures.  This is the best hardware store I have ever been in!!!!!

Here are some pictures of the first half of my week end away.

Here is the front of Horton's Hardware store.  I love her saying Things to feather your Nest!!!!  See through the window those old doors to make up each room.  This hardware store had something for the hubby and something for me!!!!  Well actually several things for me!!

The pictures are not the greatest the sun was just coming up on the windows of the hardware store.  See that cute drop leaf table.  It was too cute and it not only has the drop leaf's it extends out too.  That little treasure came home with us.  I will show you her in the end.

One of the booth's inside the hardware store.  Look at those fabulous pumpkins.  Too many fun Halloween things.

Look at this fun table and umbrella.  This was the sign up table for a demonstration they were having later in the day.  Ohhhh I forgot to mention this hardware store sells the best homemade fudge.  Yep my kind of hardware store!
Sorry I forgot to take a picture of the old fashion candy counter and fudge shop.

One of the rooms in the hardware store.  The wall was the exposed brick.  So many sweet treasures inside this room.

Look at the cute slipcovered sofa and all the fun pillows.  This chest was old and beautiful for the coffee table.  See how they used old windows and doors to partition off the rooms.  So many great salvage pieces in one place.

There she is sitting in my dining room right now.  Not sure she will stay there but for now she is parked there. I may put her in my office and then use her when I have the holidays for an extra table.   We made a quick pit stop home to drop off the load of treasures from Indiana and now it is on to Wisconsin for the Flea Market tomorrow.  

I snatched up a couple more of these fabric pumpkins.  These are actually from Nicki at Vintage Farmhouse.  I will show you her booth on this post too.  She was outside. If you do not know Nicki or her blog you must take a run over to check it out.  I am excited for her that she is opening her own shop in her garage at home.  She converted it to a shop.  This girls is so talented.

Got a cute witches hat for my scale in the kitchen.  I do not do a lot of Halloween decor but you have to have a few cute things right?!
Start of the outside booths and vendors.  Lots of vintage crates.

All the booths and vendors were so wonderful.  It is a small amount of vendors I think only 20 but they all had great treasures.

This was Nicki's booth from the Vintage Farmhouse.   She had so many cute things I was on over load.

Just too many cute things in everyone's booths.  Lot's of fabric pumpkins.  One just cutier than the next.

These girls had some great buckets and cute signs and some sweet ticking pillows.

Hope you are having a great week end.  I am loving mine so far. We have been through Illinois (home) to Indiana then back through Illinois with a pit stop home and now  we are on our way to Wisconsin and I will share more in the next post.
Wooooo Hooooo love these junkin week ends.

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