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Challenge Update - December 2014

My 2014 challenges are:-

1) Knit one hat each week for The Innocent Big Knit.

2) Do something nice for me.

3) Choose a non fiction book from the library.

I managed my target of fifty hats for The Innocent Big Knit, they had to be in by the 12th of December so I took them to my local Age UK charity shop and handed them in there. I'm looking forward to seeing all the Innocent Smoothie bottles in the shops dressed in their little hats.

Daniel came home from university a week ago so my nice thing for December was to go out for lunch with him. We went to the local pub and it was lovely to spend time, just him and I, chatting about all sorts of things. I'm so lucky that both my children are such good company.

My non fiction book for December is The Garden Bird Year by Roy Beddard. I love having birds visit my garden, I do all I can to attract as wide a variety of birds as I can. This book is more than an identification tool, it's split in to seasons so that you know what to expect from the bird world at different times of the year as well as covering things such as wildlife gardening, eggs, incubation and hatching, water in the garden, migration and pests and predators among many other subjects.

The book is very well illustrated with both drawings and photos.

I've found that providing a variety of foods encourages different birds to visit the garden and the book goes in to detail about different food and feeders available.

I'm now thinking about the challenges I'll be setting myself for 2015. I think fun challenges are much nicer, and easier, to keep up with than new year's resolutions which are usually broken by about the 5th of January. Will any of you be setting yourself any fun challenges?

It's only six sleeps to Christmas now and as I mentioned earlier, Daniel's now home from university. Eleanor breaks up from school today and Mick finishes work at lunchtime on Tuesday. I shall be doing my Christmas food shopping on Tuesday afternoon and then I'm hoping that everything will be done and I can sit back and relax.

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