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Beauty Big Bang

Golden Floral Nail Stickers

Well hello, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet! I received another lot of items to review for a new up and coming company Beauty Big Bang. They not only sell nail items, but a whole range of make up. Maybe one day if I'm feeling braver I'll ask to review some!!
For today though I have these 3D Gold floral nail stickers.
These stickers are on a clear backing with open images so your base colour will show through. You can see you get a nice mix of various flowers and butterflies, and plenty to create a few mani's.
For mine I painted my ring finger white and the other nails black. The stickers peeled easily from the backing sheet, and had loads of stick to adhere to my nails. For the white nail, I added colour to the open parts of the flower, just to show another way this type of nail sticker can be used. They pressed completely flat over my nails, and I secured them with a layer of top coat.

Such an elegant look and such an easy way to add detail to any mani. TRAB10 is my 10% discount code, and why not check out Beauty Big Bang over on FacebookTwitter,
Instagram and Google+.
Stay safe and much love....

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