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Mickey Mouse Nail Stickers

Charlies Nail Art Review 

Welcome,  and I'm back with the start of some exciting reviews to share with you lovely lot from Charlies Nail Art.
Today I have some very pretty Mickey Mouse at Work stickers that are currently in a 'nail sale.' You can find all the sale items here, and the Mickey Mouse stickers here. At the bargain price of just 49p these are a must. But be quick as when these items are gone, that's it. I'll post my 10% discount code BNM10 now just incase you want to look.

For my nails I wanted something other than a white base. So I made a gradient using 2 colours that I thought would compliment these stickers.

At first I wasn't sure, but once I applied the stickers I loved the look. The colours really set off these Mickey's, they were easy to peel from the backing sheet, and stuck perfectly to my nails with no lifting.

Great customer service. Fast delivery and worldwide shipping with prices starting at £1.75 UK.
Charlies Nail Art can be found on FacebookInstagram and Twitter. So you can keep up to date with all the bits they sell.
Thank you as always for reading and till next time stay safe and much love....

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