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Born Pretty Review

Chrome Glitter Pigment 

So here I am with my last review on Born Pretty Store's Chrome Pigments. I was waiting on my new silicone tools to arrive but sadly still waiting. I ordered them from eBay as I wanted to see if this made a difference to the finished chrome look. So as usual I have applied both chromes 7 and 8 over a black gel polish and no wipe topcoat, buffing the pigments into the polish with my finger. 

Chrome Pigment number 7.
Chrome Pigment number 8.
Again 2 beautiful coloured finishes, that really does look amazing in person. I will try a few colours again once I get the silicone brush as post comparison photos. Born Pretty have really come out with some great nail products just lately and a great priced, my discount code below will get you 10% off your order.
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Till next time, stay safe and much love...

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